Oxford's state-school admissions fall short despite outreach attempts
The University of Oxford undoubtedly has a reputation of elitism and yet more recently a focus has...
The University has announced that for the 2022 incoming class of students more than 69% of offers to UK applicants were made to students educated in the state sector.
"It is now time for private school students, committed to building a better future for all young people, to use their privilege and voice to pressure these institutions."
Fionn McFadden investigates potential solutions to Oxford's state-private school disparity.
An investigation into the attainment of ex-state school students, which includes both state comprehensive and state grammar, and ex-independent school students at Oxford has...
Update 18/08/2020: Following the government's announcement that A-Level results will be based on teacher's Centre Assessed Grades, the University has announced it will honour...
Oxford University has released its Annual Admissions Statistical Report, showing progress in the numbers of students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, from state schools, and...