Saturday, February 8, 2025

Tag: online

Do ‘you-need’ Youni? 

More than a year on from their official launch in Oxford University, it is time to consider the success of the alumni-founded startup app...

The world ain’t so bad after all

"It was the social interaction that we craved, the personal connections formed that couldn’t be fostered behind a screen."

In-person finals: Ready or not, here they come

My main concern now is, if exams are going to be in-person, how are they going to support us? The faculty has promised that we will have adequate time and means of preparing for our finals that are now in a different format to the one we have prepared for entire two years we have spent at Oxford. Is this task going to fall on individual tutors at each college? If so, not only is this extra work for them, but students may receive different levels of support and exam practice depending on their college. 

Interviews to be online for second year running

"The University stresses that 'no candidate or their school will be expected to purchase a touchscreen device in order to participate'."

Review: “Orestes”//Oxford Greek Play @ the Oxford Playhouse

"The intense and nuanced performances, the queasy mix of fear and fury palpable with a small glimmer of hope, made Oxford’s Orestes a very capturing play." Marietta Kosma reviews The Oxford Greek Play's production of Euripides' tragedy "Orestes".

For a better future, activism must thrive online

“Is there hope for the next decade?” a debate at the Oxford Union asked in January, just weeks before panic began to spread over the...

Oxford provides online learning resources for school students

Oxford University is providing resources to help children learn while schools are closed. The Department of Education is providing online home-schooling resources and Oxplore,...

Zoom library and Discord beer pong: Virtual college life takes form

Social distancing has not stopped students from continuing college life. Whilst buildings may be closed, Entz and welfare events have transitioned online this term.  Exeter...

Antisocial Media

Between digging the bunker in the back garden and foraging for loo roll, I’ve mostly been scrolling through Oxlove recently, becoming increasingly invested in...

Cybersecurity risk posed to incoming students

A recent report by cybersecurity firm Proofpoint has revealed that the vast majority of the UK’s universities, including Oxford, have failed to take recommended...

University to overhaul online systems

The technology behind OxCORT is a decade old, and is “no longer being actively developed and requires replacement”,  according to a University statement.

Online discoveries through the Oxford Book Club

Ellie Duncan chats to the editors of the Oxford Book Club's new website

Who is to blame for the ‘Post-Truth’ era?

Jonathan Bowering debates how modern society has moved away from truth, and why we must combat that

Web Series World – The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

Let's start at the very beginning...

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