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Tag: art

The Mechanicanon: AI and Literary Value

this new canon shall – by learning to load and fire itself – exile us from even counting as its projectile or target

Who’s who: Ai Weiwei

But the deserted building in Chaoyang was no criminal lair—it was an art studio. And the man arrested at the airport, far from being a hardened felon, was Ai Weiwei: filmmaker, visual artist, and one of the most outspoken political dissidents in China.

Eat, Sleep, Create, Repeat: An Artistic Odyssey

"As an emotional writer of poetry, I’ll only ever put pen to paper in fits of extreme feeling, using it as an outlet when I feel that I cannot turn to anyone. It seems to be the closest I’ll get to the divine inspiration, with the Muse replaced by anger or loneliness." Maebh Howell takes us on an artistic Odyssey around the pressures of constant creativity.

Experiencing museums and galleries in a COVID-19 age

"Even if there were a sense of restriction, it would feel a little tone-deaf to mourn the old, ‘normal’ gallery visit." Josie Moir ponders our experience of galleries and museums in a COVID-19 Age

Hard Pressed

Why do I need to pick those flowers that are screaming, “I am alive!” to kill between the pages of a heavy book?


The energy in the trees was palpable- at once pulsating and swirling

The Sheldonian

That is the beauty of the concert. Music threading its way in and out of the thoughts of a hundred vague spirits in the audience.

CulCher’s Choice: Andy Warhol at the Tate Modern

Almost twenty years after his first retrospective Warhol in 2002, Andy Warhol is now showing at the Tate Modern. The prolific artist is best...

BP or not BP? Art Washing and the British Museum

“Like smoke blown to heaven on the wings of the wind, our country, our conquered country, perishes. Its palaces are overrun by the fierce flames and...

Student art: only for the privileged few?

Whether you love it, hate it, or love to hate it, it is undeniable that the student art scene remains a fundamental space for...

Decadence, eroticism and indecent beauty: Aubrey Beardsley at Tate Britain

Aubrey Beardsley was an intensely talented, risqué artist who stunned his late-Victorian audience. Loved by many for his depiction of the underside of London life, Beardsley...

Love and doubt: ‘Looking back’ at Orpheus and Eurydice retellings

Just as Helen possessed the face that launched a thousand ships, Orpheus, the legendary musician and poet, charmed a thousand hearts with his music....


Her golden plumage shivered to a mane That grew the stalks and limbs of flowers and trees

The scope for creativity in quarantine

One thing I am glad of, in returning home, is that there is no need to feel trapped. My father’s house looks from one hill to...

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