Saturday, January 25, 2025

Tag: Traditions

A care leaver’s note on Oxford’s whacky traditions

This week is National Care Leavers Week. The act of dedicating a week to raise awareness for a cause is a PR strategy as...

A guide to Oxford’s traditions

"These traditions will form many of your fondest memories of your time at Oxford, hopefully making up for the late nights in the library that inevitably outnumber them"


Bop A bop is a ‘Big Open Party’, a fancy dress party organised by your JCR for your college. Bops normally happen 2 or 3...

An Oxford-English Dictionary

0th Week (noughth week) the week before term starts, when most people move back to Oxford. This is when collections typically happen. Battels your bill for the...

Life Divided: Carnations

Jamie Onslow and Nicola Dwornik discuss the finer points of an exam tradition

Torpids, trashings, and other traditions

Mia Millman discusses strange Oxford traditions and how they impact students and outreach

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