Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920

Tag: oxford

There’s No Place Like Home

There was a time when it was essential, if you were an Oxford man, to own an oxford cloth button down shirt and leather brogues....

Review: The Treasures of Recycled Sculpture

At a first glance, Reinvention ‘The Treasures of Recycled Sculpture’ was a breath of fresh air from the chaos of fast-fashion, pollution and upheaval. It demonstrated the possibilities of recycling and sustainability in the production of works of art.

Debate: This House Believes Oxford is for Students, Not Tourists

Does Oxford cater more to tourists than students?

Interview: Grant Nicholas (FEEDER)

Talking to Grant Nicholas is like talking to a nice bloke you met at the pub who really likes music. With three platinum records and...

Review: Cuntry Living

Cuntry Living is a free termly zine which invites any gender, race, class, sexuality, or background to submit contributions which speak out against the oppression, subjugation and degradation of women

A Definitive Guide to the Falafel and Hummus wraps of Oxford, ranked

1. The Alternative Tuck Shop The sandwich-press finish and unrivalled chat from our much-loved staff members means ATS’s offering is the true pinnacle of chickpea-based...

Final year blues

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. I’m inclined to believe that Jack would have had a quarter life crisis regardless of the...

Stephen Fry on Mythos

James Rampton speaks to one of the nation's favourite story tellers about the upcoming production of his book 'Mythos'

Million-pound bid to transform Oxford’s Covered Market

Oxford City Council have submitted a £2 million funding bid as part of a larger plan that would transform the Covered Market. A successful...

Twelfth Night – Shakespeare’s Rose blossoms in York and Oxford

Madness, hilarity and revelry ensues in Joyce Branagh's production of Twelfth Night.

Debate: Should you choose Leeds over Oxford?

As occurs every year around results day, stories are run about students choosing lower-ranked universities over Oxbridge. This year, one student made Guardian headlines by deciding to attend Leeds instead of Oxford. Was it the correct choice?

Councils raise concerns over Oxford-Cambridge Expressway plans

With Highways England in line to open a consultation on the proposed ‘expressway’ between Oxford and Cambridge, two Oxfordshire councils have signaled their opposition...

Income is the access elephant in the room

It will soon be time for Oxford to release its annual undergraduate admissions statistics. With all the big initiatives that Oxford has been...

Bagels: A Holy Food for Every Meal?

Bagels of Oxford: the ultimate guide

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