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Tag: oxford

Freshers, Friends, and Feuds: The Instagram world of Oxford offer holders

There's a new Instagram account making waves: @OxfordUniFreshers2020. The account posts submissions from Oxford offer holders, so incoming freshers can introduce themselves and get...

Oxford city centre sees historic air pollution drop

Air pollution levels in central Oxford have fallen significantly as a result of the government-imposed lockdown, and the City Council are looking at ways to sustain...

Oxford, Reviewed

The Radcliffe Camera The pièce de résistance, the joire de vivre, the petit filous, the jewel in Oxford’s mighty, mighty crown. You’ve posted the shit...

Big White Wall to give students 24/7 mental health support

Oxford University has signed up to Big White Wall, an online community offering 24/7 mental health support for issues such as exam stress, depression,...

Hidden in plain sight: Public art in Oxford

Once you’ve seen it, you can’t unsee it.

In Regions Clear, and Far

there is no us without this city. Oxford is ours


Who’ll ask if it’s too brave to dream again?

A City Without Music?

Mila Ottevanger explores Oxford's place in music history...

Coronavirus vaccine may be ready by autumn, Oxford professor states

Sarah Gilbert, the Oxford Professor leading the research team working towards a vaccine against the coronavirus at Oxford's Jenner Institute, has stated that a...

Oxford By Night

Immortality comes not in cobweb, but in gold tinged stone.

Oxfordshire Green Party Launch Campaign

David Williams, the Green Party candidate for Oxford East, launched his campaign last week. After the Green Party decision to stand down in Oxford West...

Oxford named top city for wellbeing

The Demos-PWC Good Growth forCities report was created over tenyears ago as a way to measure the success of cities beyond GDP growth. Oxford ranked...

Arab States of Mind

Anyone who has ever watched a mid-noughties rom-com, is familiar with the idea that you are what you wear.  We might have moved on from...

Shamed into silence: how our language and culture forces women into compliance

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