Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


Eat the rich! (Unless it’s Taylor Swift?)

"Ultimately, if someone does something damaging, we should be able to criticize their actions. Even if that person is a woman, even if that woman is Taylor Swift."

Orange is the new orange – the many trials of DJ Trump

"Trump coming through these trials and remaining electable would be an indictment and a warning for institutional decay which demands a response."

The Rwanda deal: Inspiration for other countries?

"Rwanda still has the chance to be the last line of defence against this policy"

Who are Trump and Biden speaking to?

We should keep in mind when reading about American politics, who the candidates are trying to convince (or scare) in order to win. That is, in most cases, why they are saying what they are saying.

‘Runfluencers’: Another commodified wellness trend?

Running has long had bad PR. Hating running has been far from contentious, liking...

A cruel injustice

In the early hours of 8 March 2008 Alejandro Ordaz Moreno, a PhD student, was seized at gunpoint as he left a bar in...

Celebrating ethnic cleansing?

It is with bemusement and outrage that we find ourselves being asked to celebrate 60 years of Israel’s existence.

Food in crisis?

Lee Jones battles the spectre of Malthus.

Interview: David Willetts MP

Simon Maine talks to David Willetts about the "intellectual renewal" of the Conservative Party.

Spirit of ’68

You don’t need a copy of Trotsky under your arm to realise that cutting the real wages of our public workers in the face of soaring food-prices is ruinous to human welfare and the services upon which so many rely.  

Church versus state

Was it the Pope's job to engage in American politics?    

Thumbs up for Hands Up

The President of Hands Up for Darfur hits back at last week's piece by Max Seddon.  

Interview: Robert Fisk

Emily Packer asks The Independent's foreign correspondent if there is any way out for the Middle East.

Publish and be damned

James Kingston doesn't trust his daily paper.

Interview: Martin Bell

The man in the white suit on WMDs, sleaze and reporting in a war zone.

Zimbabwe: country without hope?

Nejra Cehic wonders whether there is a democratic future for Zimbabwe.

Dirty Bertie?

Bertie Ahern was the ultimate Irish poltician.

Power to the people

Centralised politics is stifling democracy    

Thumbs down for Hands Up

Darfur charities deserve your money. A fashion show just isn’t the way to do it.   

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