Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


Can the St George’s flag ever be reclaimed?

"Flying the St George’s flag, bellowing that we should be proud to be English, just seems brash, ignorant and boastful."

Eat the rich! (Unless it’s Taylor Swift?)

"Ultimately, if someone does something damaging, we should be able to criticize their actions. Even if that person is a woman, even if that woman is Taylor Swift."

Orange is the new orange – the many trials of DJ Trump

"Trump coming through these trials and remaining electable would be an indictment and a warning for institutional decay which demands a response."

The Rwanda deal: Inspiration for other countries?

"Rwanda still has the chance to be the last line of defence against this policy"

Who are Trump and Biden speaking to?

We should keep in mind when reading about American politics, who the candidates are trying to convince (or scare) in order to win. That is, in most cases, why they are saying what they are saying.

A Bird’s Eye View of Oxford, Through the Lens of a New York Times Reporter

Sarah Lyall, a New York Times Reporter, tells Alyssa Grossbard about being a journalist at one of the world's most famous newspapers

‘We must save Port Meadow’

Concerned Jericho resident Xenia Sarina Elsaesser studies English and Spanish, St Anne's College

Stressed? Blame the ‘rents

Amelia Peterson talks to psychologist Oliver James about children, Denmark and Oxford wankers

5 Minute Tute: Ed Miliband

Political blogger and Brasenose Politics Lecturer Tom Lubbock explains how Ed beat Dave, and what lies ahead for Labour

Down it…fresher?

If you're reading this with a hangover, you're probably a fresher. If you have a hangover and you're not a fresher, you're probably a...

Oh! Bama, keep on Ba-ROCKIN!

Obama's opponents shouldn't throw a Tea Party just yet.

A view from the (Cam)bridge

Avantika Chilkoti outs rivalry aside, and gives us an insight into The Other Place

The Zurg of British politics

The most interesting thing about Ed Miliband is his face

2:2?! You’ll be hearing from my lawyers

Did you get a 2:2 despite going to literally some lectures? You may have a case against your tutors.

The Big Society’s big secret

Recruiting unpaid Olympic 'Games Makers' is the greatest sham on earth

Which Miliband will it be?

Thoughts on Labour's mammoth leadership election - 134 days and counting.

A Plethora of Celebrations, the Proliferation of Vacations

A comparison between the British and American institutions of Public Holidays

Latin: neither dead nor dying

The increasing popularity of Latin in state schools is an excellent thing, but it is not adequately reflected in Oxfordshire

I’d rather be at Brookes than be a hack

OUCA is just the Union for virgins

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