Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


Leonardo da Vinci and his devilish… boyfriend?

When we think of Leonardo da Vinci, the first things that come to mind are usually the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, or his myriad inventions and anatomical sketches....

Soundtrack to my degree

When I first came to Oxford, my Dad sent me the playlists he listened...

Blue Monday: Forever a New Order

Everybody knows Joy Division, everybody knows New Order. If the former’s post-punk gloom is...

Queen’s garden play review: ‘If you are a fan of the film you would have loved this theatrical rendition’

Honestly, I was more than happy to be spending my hungover Saturday relishing in...

Blindness review: ‘Unique first-person experience’

Blindness is performed entirely via sound, forgoing expectations of a traditional stage set and...

Online Preview: The Enemies

Oliver Moody is confused, consternated and slightly concussed by the latest new writing at the Burton Taylor

Review: Kisses – THe Heart of the Nightlife

Matt Walsh shares passionate kisses with an accomplished debut album

The film > the novel: the great debate

Cherwell Film takes two sparkling adaptations that bring dull pages to life on the silver screen

The reel deal

Joe Zigmond leads the charge for Film in their war against the novel

Preview: A Streetcar Named Desire

Anna Milne talks to the Director of the Playhouse show of the term

When more is more

Carla Neuss is exhausted by the intensity of the love and the emotion of the money in Dennis Kelly’s 'Love and Money'

The Rudi awakening of dubstep

Laurence Osborn talks to Rudi Zygadlo about the producer’s status in and outside of dubstep music

Photo Blog – 6th week!

Term is well over halfway through, and our blog just keeps on getting better

Alternative India

Mandy Ahmed looks at India's New Wave cinema and why it's more than just a drop in the ocean

Bully for Bollywood

Abby Nira kicks off a Bollywood special with a review of what is arguably India's greatest film

National Treasure

Annabel James spends some quality time in the Ashmolean Print Room, one of Oxford’s hidden gems

An Elegynt Spectacle

Jamie Randall peers into the world of Ibsen

Cherwell Stage: why bother?

Taxi for A Streetcar Named Desire: Oliver Moody explains what it is that student critics do and why Cherwell previews plays

Review: Mansfield Open Mic Night

Josephine Sarchet heads with an open mind to Mansfield's open mic

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