Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Charlie Aslet

Have you Met the King? The Met Gala and the Coronation have more in common than you might think

"Both are controversial for their unapologetic extravagance in a time when the country has the dark cloud of inflation looming over it."

Let Normal Programming Resume: Coronavirus Passports Won’t Solve Anything

"I personally am not too fussed about personal liberties. Let’s face it, I didn’t do much with my liberties when I had them. But after a year inside I have started to care more about them. I do not think that it is too much to ask to have a meal in a restaurant without having to present credentials." Charlie Aslet investigates the efficiency of coronavirus vaccine passports.

Why 2020 Should Not Be Forgotten

Many want a Men in Black-style mind wipe that will erase the past year from our collective memory, only to be recalled 50 years down the line when a funky new virus dredges up the memories from the bottom of the dustbin. This, I think, is a mistake.

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