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US-banned Islamic scholar begins Oxford teaching post

Controversial Islamic scholar
Tariq Ramadan, who has in the past been accused of anti-Semitism and was banned
from teaching in the US, is about
to begin teaching at Oxford.
Professor Tariq Ramadan is to begin a visiting fellowship at the postgraduate
college St Anthony’s which specialises in International Studies. He marked the
start of his new position by delivering a speech to the Oxford Union on Tuesday
evening. A spokesperson for the College described
Ramadan as “an internationally recognised scholar” and said that St Anthony’s
is “a forum for free academic exchange on the issues of our times and opposes all
manifestations of hate speech and intimidation designed to curb academic
freedoms”.Ramadan was named by Time Magazine
in April 2004 as one of the 100 innovators of the 21st century for
his work to create an Independent European Islam. Mike Whine from the Jewish Community
Security Trust accused Ramadan of speaking moderately in French and English but
delivering more radical messages in Arabic. In the televised debates between himself
and the French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, Professor Ramadan declined to
condemn the Islamic punishment of the stoning of women for crimes such as
adultery and instead resorted to ijtihad, asking leading thinkers to come
forward to a solution to this doctrinal problem.In 2004 the US State department revoked
Professor Ramadan’s work visa at the recommendation of the department of
Homeland Security shortly before he was due to begin teaching Islam, Conflict Resolution
and Peace Building at Indiana’s Notre Dame University, citing a “public
security risk”. Ramadan was recently appointed to
an elite government task force that reports to Tony Blair and the Home
Secretary Charles Clarke in the wake of the London
bombings to help combat the rise of Islamic extremism in Britain.Dr Edie Friedman, director of the
Jewish Council for Racial Equality said that “some members of the Jewish
community have had positive contact” with Tariq Ramadan.  Dr Friedman said that although she has heard “both positive and negative
things about him” she “welcomes his appointment” and “looks forward to working
with him”.Jeremy Seeff and Tikva Blaukopf, co-presidents
of the Oxford University Jewish Society said, “Professor Ramadan has a fine academic
record” and that as long as “any personal religious and political inclinations
he has do not affect his teaching and in any way sour the atmosphere on campus,
JSoc has no objection to Professor Ramadan’s appointment”. Hassan Malik, President of Oxford
University Islamic Society, said that “one may have disagreementswith Professor Ramadan” but that “differences
of opinion are allowed within reason” and that “his appointment should be good
for the Oxford community,
as he has received some bad press and allegations which were totally unfounded”.He added that Professor Ramadan is
“working to create unity amongst different faiths” and that “for this he should be commended”.
Professor Ramadan told Cherwell, “I’m happy
to be here”, and described his work as “important in bridging the gap between
two worlds. It is really interesting for me meeting interesting and challenging
people, asking questions about the future of Islam in Europe
and in Islamic majority countries”.ARCHIVE: 3rd week MT 2005

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